The Bald and the Beautiful

The headlines this morning announced that Britney Spears had shaved her head.

Yes, top headlines this hour, a celebrity (who seems on the brink of disaster), has cut off her goldilocks and is now bald.

Britney Spears

Dr.Evil meets Britney Spears

Okay, kidding…. here are the real photos, taken last night:
Britney Spears, shaving her head
Britney Spears Bald

Poor girl does NOT have the skull to pull off being bald. I’ve seen beautiful bald women before… but it takes a certain panache to carry a shiny dome.

I wonder what I’d look like bald? I’ve got so much hair, thick and long and curly. And it’s a pain in the ass to wash, comb, slather with gel and blow dry every day. Being bald would give me so much freedom.

Aha! A website that allows you to see what you’ll look like BALD! Just send in your photo, and he’ll show you what you’ll look like after you shave your head!

Before shaving her headAfter Shaving her head

Before shaving headAfter shaving head

Before Bald
After Bald

Sweet. I’m sending in photos of myself, Whitey, and even the dogs! Surely our rottweiler would LOVE to be bald…. right?

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